The Spiritually Expressed Human

Ep 11 - Feeling Lost and Finding Your Way

Episode Summary

Solo - Finding your way and embracing what is within you requires you to honor who YOU are by feeling connection to yourself and understanding the 4 roots that grow core branches of those wounds. Key Takeaways: Everyone has gifts, talents, and impact to make; when struggling with something, or feeling confused/lost, it's often because you've lost connection with yourself; be consciously aware of what feels good for YOU - your heart and your body. "You cannot change what you are not aware of." —  Susan Dascenzi Connect with Susan Dascenzi: Join us in the private Facebook group for more content and connection: Website: and grab some free gifts: /free-gift Email: Twitter: @susandascenzi Facebook: Susan Dascenzi Instagram: @sdascenzi1 YouTube: Susan Dascenzi LinkedIn: Susan L. Dascenzi, MSW, LCSW

Episode Notes

Searching inside and embracing what is within us to honor who we are and find our way with Susan:


Key Takeaways:


"You cannot change what you are not aware of." —  Susan Dascenzi


Connect with Susan Dascenzi: 

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Show: The Spiritually Expressed Human