The Spiritually Expressed Human

Ep 22 - The GENIUS Inside...Where’s Yours?

Episode Summary

Solo - Living true to the deepest part of you so you can find YOUR Genius within is about your infinite connection to yourself, your potential, and your knowingness. Tapping into this genius and finding what causes YOU to feel alive! Channeling who you are and how you want to show up isn't hard - it takes some willingness to go within and ask questions. Key Takeaways: You are a being of Infinite Love and Potential and have the ability to connect to the deepest part of you so you may allow that innermost expression to make an impact on the world; You are ready to birth the Genius within - you wouldn't be listening to this episode if you weren't; If you believe and open your heart to your genius within, you will find it."You are here for a reason. You are listening to this show right now, and this episode, for a reason. Recognize, you are a GENIUS and you have genius within you that is ready to be birthed, and ready to be seen, and ready to come out. And the truth is, the world is waiting for you to show up for them!" —  Susan Dascenzi Connect with Susan Dascenzi: Join us in the private Facebook group for more content and connection: Website: and grab some free gifts: /free-gift Email: Twitter: @susandascenzi Facebook: Susan Dascenzi Instagram: @sdascenzi1 YouTube: Susan Dascenzi LinkedIn: Susan L. Dascenzi, MSW, LCSW

Episode Notes

Living true to the deepest part of you with Susan:


Key Takeaways:


"You are here for a reason. You are listening to this show right now, and this episode, for a reason. Recognize, you are a GENIUS and you have genius within you that is ready to be birthed, and ready to be seen, and ready to come out. And the truth is, the world is waiting for you to show up for them!" —  Susan Dascenzi


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Show: The Spiritually Expressed Human