Special Guest Linda Shively shares her heart-wrenching story of losing her daughter and having her life turned upside down through divorce and massive change, which led her ultimately to transforming her sorrow into joy. Her life's mission is now to help others identify their "Joy-Stealing Dragons" and slay them, so they can become the CJO - Chief Joy Officer of their life. Key Takeaways: There are always layers and everyone needs support... especially for those whose life's work is to give to others; You are the only one who has control over you, so even when those dragons are trying to steal your joy, you can tell them to "back off!" and tame them; Taming the dragons requires taking actions - sounds simple, but can be challenging so do something... which allows the dragons to begin to fall away. "She had so much joy, and brought so much joy to me and to other people, that I'd rather be happy and share that happiness than share the sadness. I feel like being that beacon of being able to talk about her from a place of gratitude, from a place of joy, somehow helps other people with their grief." — Linda Shively Connect with Linda Shively: Website: https://www.lindashively.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindaShivelySpeaker LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindashively/ Get the Everyday Meditation!: https://www.myjoydrivenlife.com/susan Find out which Joy-Stealing Dragon is most active in your life!: https://joystealingdragons.com/ Connect with Susan Dascenzi: Join us in the private Facebook group for more content and connection: www.facebook.com/groups/tsehpodcast/ Website: https://www.susandascenzi.com and grab some free gifts: /free-gift Email: Susan@SusanDascenzi.com Twitter: @susandascenzi Facebook: Susan Dascenzi Instagram: @sdascenzi1 YouTube: Susan Dascenzi LinkedIn: Susan L. Dascenzi, MSW, LCSW
The coexistence of deep sorrow and deep joy with Susan and Linda:
Key Takeaways:
"She had so much joy, and brought so much joy to me and to other people, that I'd rather be happy and share that happiness than share the sadness. I feel like being that beacon of being able to talk about her from a place of gratitude, from a place of joy, somehow helps other people with their grief." — Linda Shively
Connect with Linda Shively:
Website: https://www.lindashively.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindaShivelySpeaker
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindashively/
Get the Everyday Meditation!: https://www.myjoydrivenlife.com/susan
Find out which Joy-Stealing Dragon is most active in your life!: https://joystealingdragons.com/
Connect with Susan Dascenzi:
If you are struggling with anything, contact Susan at SusanDascenzi.com/Contact-Me for a free 30-minute conversation.
Join us in the private Facebook group for more content and connection: www.facebook.com/groups/tsehpodcast/
Website: SusanDascenzi.com
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Email: Susan@SusanDascenzi.com
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LinkedIn: Susan L. Dascenzi, MSW, LCSW
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Show: The Spiritually Expressed Human