The Spiritually Expressed Human

Ep 27 - Moving Through the Illusion of Trauma

Episode Summary

Solo - Understanding trauma from a different perspective as Susan clarifies how it can be illusionary in nature and it creates the stories we keep buying into as truths. It's real, but the way the mind and brain hold it can be transmuted into something that no longer robs you of your power and keeps you held back. Understanding what trauma is, all types, the stories, narratives, and bubble you've been taught to beleive, and looking at it truly for what it is versus the story you've been taught to tell about it. Key Takeaways: Trauma manifests itself in each person differently even if it's the same type of trauma; Trauma can be big, little, known, and unknown; Traumas are not to be compared as being greater or lesser than another; You do not have to be defined by your traumas as you are more than the experience itself and the story/narrative attached; You are NOT a victim even if you did experience something because you are not helpless as a human being. "There are a lot of ways that you can prove to yourself that you have survived, and even thrived, past whatever traumatic experiences you've been through. And yet, if we all keep telling the stories about the trauma, as a victim… the problem is we're going to remain in that victim mindset. And when we have a very strong mindset, it affects the physical, emotional, mental, psychological, and even the spiritual body." —  Susan Dascenzi Connect with Susan Dascenzi: Join us in the private Facebook group for more content and connection: Website: and grab some free gifts: /free-gift Email: Twitter: @susandascenzi Facebook: Susan Dascenzi Instagram: @sdascenzi1 YouTube: Susan Dascenzi LinkedIn: Susan L. Dascenzi, MSW, LCSW

Episode Notes

Understanding the illusory nature of trauma narratives with Susan:


Key Takeaways:


"There are a lot of ways that you can prove to yourself that you have survived, and even thrived, past whatever traumatic experiences you've been through. And yet, if we all keep telling the stories about the trauma, as a victim… the problem is we're going to remain in that victim mindset. And when we have a very strong mindset, it affects the physical, emotional, mental, psychological, and even the spiritual body." —  Susan Dascenzi


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Show: The Spiritually Expressed Human