The Spiritually Expressed Human

Ep 17 - Overwhelm and Forging Your Path

Episode Summary

Solo - Susan dives into what to do when you're feeling overwhelmed and how to get out of it, understanding your top priorities and taking discerned action, and how to get out of your own way and head so you can take those aligned actions that come from your deeper knowing and not your head. Key Takeaways: Listening to the voice in your head is good ONLY when it is in alignments with your heart's knowingness and is regardless of what other people's ideas, expectations, or deadlines are for you; Look at what you do have to do and decide if there are things you can delegate to others, as well as know why you are doing specific actions; Break down steps into manageable pieces and when the answer is truly "NO" - let it go! "We always have a choice. That feeling of being overwhelmed can happen when we feel like there isn't a choice when it feels like the path has been made for us. And I just don't agree with that. There is always a choice. And there is always a way to forge your own path and create your own choices." —  Susan Dascenzi Connect with Susan Dascenzi: Join us in the private Facebook group for more content and connection: Website: and grab some free gifts: /free-gift Email: Twitter: @susandascenzi Facebook: Susan Dascenzi Instagram: @sdascenzi1 YouTube: Susan Dascenzi LinkedIn: Susan L. Dascenzi, MSW, LCSW

Episode Notes

Getting out of our own way, getting out of our head, and taking actions aligned with our deeper knowing with Susan:


Key Takeaways:


"We always have a choice. That feeling of being overwhelmed can happen when we feel like there isn't a choice when it feels like the path has been made for us. And I just don't agree with that. There is always a choice. And there is always a way to forge your own path and create your own choices." —  Susan Dascenzi


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Show: The Spiritually Expressed Human